top Premiata Distilleria G. Bertagnolli
Historie, tradice a kultura v každé láhvi grappy Bertagnolli
Story, tradition and culture in each bottle Bertagnolli!
Původ lihovaru Bertagnolli, nositele četných ocenění za kvalitu výrobků, sahá až do roku 1870.Tehdy se majitelka jednoho z největších podniků v severoitalské oblastiPiana Rotaliana, Giulia Kreutzenberg, provdala za Edouarda Bertagnolli, dědice zavedené farmaceutické firmy
Díky použití destilačních nádob, známých z farmaceutické praxe pod názvem alembik a technice tzv. mariánské lázně, původně používané renesančními alchymisty, kteří destilovanou látku ukládali do nádoby s vodou vložené do pece, aby tak zabránili přímému kontaktu látky s ohněm, se podařilo vyrobit destiláty nepřekonatelné kvality, jenž se okamžitě stávají velmi oblíbenými.
Záhy se jim dostává oficiálního uznání a to když v roce 1886 habsburský dvůr ve Vídni udělil titul C.a K. dvorní dodavatel.
V současné době je firma svěřena dynamicky podnikajícím bratrancům Livii a Beppe, již čtvrté dynastii rodu Bertagnolli, kteří s nadšením pokračují v tom, co vždy bylo mottem tohoto podniku, tedy: Inovace s ohledem na tradici a výroba stále kvalitnějších destilátů.
Lihovar Bertagnolli se nacházi v kraji zvaném Piana Rotaliana, o které již Geothe hovořil jako o "nejkrásnější vinné zahradě Evropy". Oblast chráněna horami má vnitrozemské klima s chladnými zimami, teplými léty a denními a nočními teplotními rytmy tolik příznivými pro dozrávání vinné révy. Na optimální dozrávání hroznů mají blahé důsledky i nivní půdy dané častými záplavami v minulosti lemujících řek Adige a Noce
Among ancient secrets and innovation.
The origin of Premiata Distilleria G. Bertagnolli dates back to 1870 when the rich landowner of one of the largest wineries in the Piana Rotaliana Giulia de Kreutzenberg married Edoardo Bertagnolli, forebear of the family and heir to an established pharmaceutical business. Giulia's passion combined with Edoardo's experience in the use of stills for distilling using the water bath method resulted in the production of distillates of excellent quality.
Historical milestones highlight entrepreneurial prowess
Since 1870 historical milestones highlight the Bertagnolli's entrepreneurial prowess, the first european Distillery using water bath method completely controlled by a computer during the distillation process to guarantee a high quality level.
1949 Introduction of the Zadra Column
Franco and Mario Bertagnolli introduced the Zadra Column, an innovation in the distillation process created by the craftsman Zadra of Trento. The Zadra Column is an important feature for the selection and concentration of alcohol vapours that enables a distillation with the "water bath" method by integrating the old system, based on the direct flow from a cauldron to the cooling coil through a gooseneck with a new milder heating system, which better maintains flavours and fragrances of the original grape pomace.
1951 Process Innovation
To better capture all the organoleptic characteristics from the grape pomace necessary in obtaining a product rich in aroma and taste, the Bertagnollis introduced an ingenious shaking system. A mixing shaft was inserted into the boiler to ensure the continuous shaking of the raw material, thereby optimizing the process during the removal of alcohol from the grape pomace.
1952 From the oil based to the steam-based water bath method In the 1952 the traditional oil based water bath distillation system was replaced by a steam-based method. The steam-based method improved the quality of the grappa by maintaining a more controlled and constant temperature of the still. This represented a fundamental step forward in the history of Distilleria Bertagnolli, that enabled the company to create grappas in compliance with the traditions of Trentino region while using advanced technology.
The 1990s: The turning point
First in Europe, Distilleria Bertagnolli implemented computer monitoring of distillation in water bath discontinuous stills. The computers allowed iterative and automatic sophisticated reading of temperatures and process parameters that has eliminated all potential for human errors in the distillation process.
Today the company is managed since the 1987 and 1989 by the fourth Bertagnolli generation, the cousins Livia and Beppe. Their entrepreneurial dynamism has brought constant growth, thanks to their continuous introduction of advanced research, development, implementation and controls. Tradition, innovation, quality and prestige are the strengths of the Bertagnolli's business, an art carried on through time, faithful to it's noble origins.
Just like the best grape pomace, Distilleria Bertagnolli is itself in a state of ferment, the outcome of which will be an excellent quality product. A new distillation facility is currently being tested that will once again revolutionise the current system of discontinuous stills used up until now.
This precious inheritance has been embraced by its descendants with the same passion, skill and spirit of innovation as its founders had.
To this day, the same family proudly runs the Distillery: the two cousins Livia and Beppe represent the fourth generation of the Bertagnolli dynasty. Their pride and ambition continue to transmit the antique traditions of this distinctive Grappa, which is noble by birth but aristocratic in taste.
It’s all in the detail when it comes to Bertagnolli grappa distillation. The stills are powered by steam and the grapes are constantly stirred, to keep them from burning and so avoid unpleasant changes in aroma or taste. The stills do not work around the clock but are emptied and carefully cleaned after each heating, so that no batch is influenced by the characteristics of the one before it.
Genuine Passion
But no amount of technical attention to detail could ever replace the real secret ingredient of Bertagnolli’s Grappa and spirits: passion. There is real love for the grappa and for every stage of its preparation: from checking of the grapes and raw materials, to patiently waiting for the grappa to mature.
It is a passion that carries outside the company, too.
- Livia Bertagnolli is Vice President of Italy’s Women’s Grappa Association – founded to unite the gentler sex under the spirit’s flag, both professionals and amateurs.
- Beppe Bertagnolli is President of the Trentino Grappa-Distilling Institute (Istituto Tutela Grappa del Trentino) and a leading adviser to Italy’s National Grappa Institute (Istituto Nazionale Grappa).
The Bertagnolli world is one where a genuine ‘distilling culture’ is daily lived and breathed.
The Distilleria Bertagnolli is located in the Piana Rotaliana Königsberg, an area renowned for its wine production, situated in Trentino, and surrounded by a charming mosaic of highlands, soft slopes and valley floors cut by their flowing rivers: the Adige cutting through from north to south, and the Noce. The famous Wine Road (Strada del Vino) cuts across the triangle of land between the two rivers.
It is precisely in this geographical context, where the sun light plays with the shadows of the nearby mountains, that you will find the ideal climatic conditions to cultivate exquisite quality grapes, both local and imported, which all summed up make Trentino famous worldwide for its excellent wines and grappa, rich in aromas and taste.
Piana Rotaliana Königsberg region has always been a through route between the north and the south, from Germany to the Mediterranean. Its border position has made it a crossroads for many cultures, many of which have inevitably left their individual marks on the area. From the typical fortified houses dating back to feudal times, to medieval hilltop castles, and other impressive buildings in imperial and papal styles. It is a region unique of its kind, where culture blends harmoniously with the countryside and its produce.