top La Chiara

La Chiara

Vinařství La Chiara se nachází na svazích v podhůří Apenin, pár kilometrů od historického města Gavi v provincii Alessandria.

La Chiara je příběh rodiny a vinic v okolí města Gavi, v kraji Piemont. Na základě dlouholetých vinařských tradic hraje rodina Bergaglio důležitou roli v úspěchu vína Gavi di Gavi, které vyrábí již po dobu tří generací. Všechno vychází z velké vášně a vize p. Ferdinanda Bergaglio a jeho syna Roberta, který si uvědomil velký vinařský potenciál v této oblasti. V roce 1976 zakládá p. Ferdinando rodinný podnik La Chiara ještě dohromady se svojí ženou Robertou a dcerou Silvanou. 
Vinařství obhospodařuje 39 ha. Systém vedení vinic je hlavně guyot s rozmístěním 4000 kusů vinné révy na 1ha.
Expozice vinic je hlavně na jih a jihozápad. Terén je různorodý (vápenitý, jílovitý, pískovcovitý).

Sběr hroznů probíhá ručně, jednotlivé hrozny se ukládají do přepravek podle vinice.

Vinařství disponuje moderním vybavením, nerezových tanků s kontrolovatelnou teplotou, s pneumatickými lisy a další důležité zařízení moderní techniky.
K dispozici je velký sál pro degustace, které se konají pravidelně každou neděli.



La Chiara is the story of a family and their vineyards in the countryside around the town of Gavi, in the Piedmont region.

On the strength of their long-standing farming traditions, the Bergaglio family played a key role in the birth and the success of Gavi, and has been producing this great white wine in Piedmont for three generations.

It all originated from the great vision and passion of Ferdinando Bergaglio and his son Roberto, who realised the wine-making potential of the land. After a lifetime spent working at a historic local company, in 1976, Ferdinando – together with his newly wed son Roberto and daughter-in-law Silvana – decided to undertake a new adventure, by starting a family business, La Chiara.

Today, the company extends over a vast area, all of it in the municipality of Gavi, with 28 hectares occupied by vineyards cultivated with pride, passion, and according to traditional methods.



The Bergaglios: a family that has always been inextricably linked with the Gavi region and its wine-growing traditions.

For three generations, their name has been synonymous with quality, experience, harmony.

An atmosphere that is immediately perceived as you reach the farm. A family-run business whose success lies in these roots, with a fourth generation of extremely young future entrepreneurs who are ready to take up the challenges of the third millennium.

The Azienda Agricola La Chiara rises a few kilometres from the centre of Gavi, on the hills of the Ligurian Preappennino mountain chain. It was founded by Ferdinando Bergaglio, born in 1912 in a family of farmers, and his son Roberto.



Very few regions in the world can boast a position and climate so favourable they can produce noble grapes yielding such valuable wines.

Undeniably, one of these fortunate lands is the land surrounding the town of Gavi, where the soil, the temperature, altitude and morphology all combine to give life to a landscape covered with thick rows of vines and wine-making enterprises.

This is the Val Lemme area of Piedmont, at the border with Liguria, a land with centuries old wine growing and wine making traditions.

It benefits from the temperate climate of the hills and the breeze coming from nearby Ligurian Sea: an area where the climate is not too hot, but the sun shines the year round.



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